
Using themes#

Bokeh’s themes are a set of pre-defined design parameters that you can apply to your plots. Themes can include settings for parameters such as colors, fonts, or line styles.

Applying Bokeh’s built-in themes#

Bokeh comes with five built-in themes to quickly change the appearance of one or more plots: caliber, dark_minimal, light_minimal, night_sky, and contrast.

To use one of the built-in themes, assign the name of the theme you want to use to the theme property of your document.

For example:

from import curdoc
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [6, 7, 6, 4, 5]


curdoc().theme = 'dark_minimal'

p = figure(title='dark_minimal', width=300, height=300)
p.line(x, y)


For more examples and detailed information, see bokeh.themes.

Creating custom themes#

Themes in Bokeh are defined in YAML or JSON files. To create your own theme files, follow the format defined in bokeh.themes.Theme.

Using YAML, for example:

        background_fill_color: '#2F2F2F'
        border_fill_color: '#2F2F2F'
        outline_line_color: '#444444'
        axis_line_color: !!null
        grid_line_dash: [6, 4]
        grid_line_alpha: .3
        text_color: "white"

To use your custom theme in a Bokeh plot, load your YAML or JSON file into a bokeh.themes.Theme object:

from bokeh.themes import Theme
curdoc().theme = Theme(filename="./theme.yml")