This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able.

bokeh.models.filters — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation


class BooleanFilter(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.filters.Filter

A BooleanFilter filters data by returning the subset of data corresponding to indices where the values of the booleans array is True.


property type: Seq ( Bool )

A list of booleans indicating which rows of data to select.

JSON Prototype
  "booleans": null,
  "filter": null,
  "id": "27589",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class CustomJSFilter(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.filters.Filter

Filter data sources with a custom defined JavaScript function.


The explicit purpose of this Bokeh Model is to embed raw JavaScript code for a browser to execute. If any part of the code is derived from untrusted user inputs, then you must take appropriate care to sanitize the user input prior to passing to Bokeh.


property type: Dict ( String , AnyRef )

A mapping of names to Python objects. In particular those can be bokeh’s models. These objects are made available to the callback’s code snippet as the values of named parameters to the callback.


property type: String

A snippet of JavaScript code to filter data contained in a columnar data source. The code is made into the body of a function, and all of of the named objects in args are available as parameters that the code can use. The variable source will contain the data source that is associated with the CDSView this filter is added to.

The code should either return the indices of the subset or an array of booleans to use to subset data source rows.


code = '''
var indices = [];
for (var i = 0; i <=['some_column'].length; i++){
    if (['some_column'][i] == 'some_value') {
return indices;


Use CustomJS.from_coffeescript() for CoffeeScript source code.


property type: Bool

Enables or disables automatic insertion of "use strict"; into code.

classmethod from_coffeescript(code, args={})[source]

Create a CustomJSFilter instance from CoffeeScript snippets. The function bodies are translated to JavaScript functions using node and therefore require return statements.

The code function namespace will contain the variable source at render time. This will be the data source associated with the CDSView that this filter is added to.

classmethod from_py_func(func)[source]

Create a CustomJSFilter instance from a Python function. The function is translated to JavaScript using PScript.

The func function namespace will contain the variable source at render time. This will be the data source associated with the CDSView that this filter is added to.

JSON Prototype
  "args": {},
  "code": "",
  "filter": null,
  "id": "27591",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": [],
  "use_strict": false
class Filter(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: bokeh.model.Model

A Filter model represents a filtering operation that returns a row-wise subset of data when applied to a ColumnDataSource.


property type: Either ( Seq ( Int ), Seq ( Bool ) )

A list that can be either integer indices or booleans representing a row-wise subset of data.

JSON Prototype
  "filter": null,
  "id": "27595",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class GroupFilter(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.filters.Filter

A GroupFilter represents the rows of a ColumnDataSource where the values of the categorical column column_name match the group variable.


property type: String

The name of the column to perform the group filtering operation on.


property type: String

The value of the column indicating the rows of data to keep.

JSON Prototype
  "column_name": null,
  "filter": null,
  "group": null,
  "id": "27597",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class IndexFilter(*args, **kw)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.filters.Filter

An IndexFilter filters data by returning the subset of data at a given set of indices.


property type: Seq ( Int )

A list of integer indices representing the subset of data to select.

JSON Prototype
  "filter": null,
  "id": "27600",
  "indices": null,
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []