This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able.

bokeh.models.scales — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation


class CategoricalScale(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.scales.LinearScale

JSON Prototype
  "id": "31710",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class LinearScale(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.scales.Scale

JSON Prototype
  "id": "31711",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class LogScale(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.scales.Scale

JSON Prototype
  "id": "31712",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class Scale(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.transforms.Transform

Base class for Scale models that represent an invertible computation to be carried out on the client-side.

JavaScript implementations should implement the following methods:

compute: (x) ->
    # compute the transform of a single value

v_compute: (xs) ->
    # compute the transform of an array of values

invert: (xprime) ->
    # compute the inverse transform of a single value

v_invert: (xprimes) ->
    # compute the inverse transform of an array of values


This is an abstract base class used to help organize the hierarchy of Bokeh model types. It is not useful to instantiate on its own.

JSON Prototype
  "id": "31713",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []