This docs on this page refers to a PREVIOUS VERSION. For the latest stable release, go to

Archived docs for versions <= 1.0.4 have had to be modified from their original published configuration, and may be missing some features (e.g. source listing)

All users are encourage to update to version 1.1 or later, as soon as they are able.

bokeh.models.ranges — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation


Models for describing different kinds of ranges of values in different kinds of spaces (e.g., continuous or categorical) and with options for “auto sizing”.

class DataRange(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.ranges.Range

A base class for all data range types.


This is an abstract base class used to help organize the hierarchy of Bokeh model types. It is not useful to instantiate on its own.


property type: List ( String )

A list of names to query for. If set, only renderers that have a matching value for their name attribute will be used for autoranging.


property type: List ( Instance ( Renderer ) )

An explicit list of renderers to autorange against. If unset, defaults to all renderers on a plot.

JSON Prototype
  "callback": null,
  "id": "31619",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "names": [],
  "renderers": [],
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class DataRange1d(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.ranges.DataRange

An auto-fitting range in a continuous scalar dimension.

By default the start and end of the range automatically assume min and max values of the data for associated renderers.


property type: MinMaxBounds

The bounds that the range is allowed to go to. Typically used to prevent the user from panning/zooming/etc away from the data.

By default, the bounds will be None, allowing your plot to pan/zoom as far as you want. If bounds are ‘auto’ they will be computed to be the same as the start and end of the DataRange1d.

Bounds are provided as a tuple of (min, max) so regardless of whether your range is increasing or decreasing, the first item should be the minimum value of the range and the second item should be the maximum. Setting min > max will result in a ValueError.

If you only want to constrain one end of the plot, you can set min or max to None e.g. DataRange1d(bounds=(None, 12))


property type: Either ( Float , TimeDelta )

A default width for the interval, in case start is equal to end (if used with a log axis, default_span is in powers of 10).


property type: Either ( Float , Datetime , TimeDelta )

An explicitly supplied range end. If provided, will override automatically computed end value.


property type: Bool

Whether the range should be “flipped” from its normal direction when auto-ranging.


property type: Enum ( StartEnd )

Configure the data to follow one or the other data extreme, with a maximum range size of follow_interval.

If set to "start" then the range will adjust so that start always corresponds to the minimum data value (or maximum, if flipped is True).

If set to "end" then the range will adjust so that end always corresponds to the maximum data value (or minimum, if flipped is True).

If set to None (default), then auto-ranging does not follow, and the range will encompass both the minimum and maximum data values.

follow cannot be used with bounds, and if set, bounds will be set to None.


property type: Either ( Float , TimeDelta )

If follow is set to "start" or "end" then the range will always be constrained to that:

abs(r.start - r.end) <= follow_interval

is maintained.


property type: Either ( Float , TimeDelta )

The level that the range is allowed to zoom out, expressed as the maximum visible interval. Note that bounds can impose an implicit constraint on the maximum interval as well.


property type: Either ( Float , TimeDelta )

The level that the range is allowed to zoom in, expressed as the minimum visible interval. If set to None (default), the minimum interval is not bound.


property type: Either ( Float , TimeDelta )

How much padding to add around the computed data bounds.

When range_padding_units is set to "percent", the span of the range span is expanded to make the range range_padding percent larger.

When range_padding_units is set to "absolute", the start and end of the range span are extended by the amount range_padding.


property type: Enum ( PaddingUnits )

Whether the range_padding should be interpreted as a percentage, or as an absolute quantity. (default: "percent")


property type: Either ( Float , Datetime , TimeDelta )

An explicitly supplied range start. If provided, will override automatically computed start value.

JSON Prototype
  "bounds": null,
  "callback": null,
  "default_span": 2.0,
  "end": null,
  "flipped": false,
  "follow": null,
  "follow_interval": null,
  "id": "31622",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "max_interval": null,
  "min_interval": null,
  "name": null,
  "names": [],
  "range_padding": 0.1,
  "range_padding_units": "percent",
  "renderers": [],
  "start": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class FactorRange(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.ranges.Range

A Range of values for a categorical dimension.

In addition to supplying factors as a keyword argument to the FactorRange initializer, you may also instantiate with a sequence of positional arguments:

FactorRange("foo", "bar") # equivalent to FactorRange(factors=["foo", "bar"])

Users will normally supply categorical values directly:["foo", "bar"], ...)

BokehJS will create a mapping from "foo" and "bar" to a numerical coordinate system called synthetic coordinates. In the simplest cases, factors are separated by a distance of 1.0 in synthetic coordinates, however the exact mapping from factors to synthetic coordinates is affected by he padding properties as well as whether the number of levels the factors have.

Users typically do not need to worry about the details of this mapping, however it can be useful to fine tune positions by adding offsets. When supplying factors as coordinates or values, it is possible to add an offset in the synthetic coordinate space by adding a final number value to a factor tuple. For example:[("foo", 0.3), ...], ...)

will position the first circle at an x position that is offset by adding 0.3 to the synthetic coordinate for "foo".


property type: MinMaxBounds

The bounds (in synthetic coordinates) that the range is allowed to go to. Typically used to prevent the user from panning/zooming/etc away from the data.


Synthetic coordinates are only computed in the browser, based on the factors and various padding properties. Some experimentation may be required to arrive at bounds suitable for specific situations.

By default, the bounds will be None, allowing your plot to pan/zoom as far as you want. If bounds are ‘auto’ they will be computed to be the same as the start and end of the FactorRange.


property type: Float

The end of the range, in synthetic coordinates.


Synthetic coordinates are only computed in the browser, based on the factors and various padding properties. The value of end will only be available in situations where bidirectional communication is available (e.g. server, notebook).


property type: Float

How much padding to add in between all lowest-level factors. When factor_padding is non-zero, every factor in every group will have the padding value applied.


property type: Either ( Seq ( String ), Seq ( Tuple ( String , String ) ), Seq ( Tuple ( String , String , String ) ) )

A sequence of factors to define this categorical range.

Factors may have 1, 2, or 3 levels. For 1-level factors, each factor is simply a string. For example:

FactorRange(factors=["sales", "marketing", "engineering"])

defines a range with three simple factors that might represent different units of a business.

For 2- and 3- level factors, each factor is a tuple of strings:

    ["2016", "sales'], ["2016", "marketing'], ["2016", "engineering"],
    ["2017", "sales'], ["2017", "marketing'], ["2017", "engineering"],

defines a range with six 2-level factors that might represent the three business units, grouped by year.

Note that factors and sub-factors may only be strings.


property type: Float

How much padding to add in between top-level groups of factors. This property only applies when the overall range factors have either two or three levels. For example, with:

FactorRange(factors=[["foo", "1'], ["foo", "2'], ["bar", "1"]])

The top level groups correspond to "foo"` and ``"bar", and the group padding will be applied between the factors ["foo", "2'] and ["bar", "1"]


property type: Float

The level that the range is allowed to zoom out, expressed as the maximum visible interval in synthetic coordinates.. Note that bounds can impose an implicit constraint on the maximum interval as well.

The default “width” of a category is 1.0 in synthetic coordinates. However, the distance between factors is affected by the various padding properties and whether or not factors are grouped.


property type: Float

The level that the range is allowed to zoom in, expressed as the minimum visible interval in synthetic coordinates. If set to None (default), the minimum interval is not bounded.

The default “width” of a category is 1.0 in synthetic coordinates. However, the distance between factors is affected by the various padding properties and whether or not factors are grouped.


property type: Float

How much padding to add around the outside of computed range bounds.

When range_padding_units is set to "percent", the span of the range span is expanded to make the range range_padding percent larger.

When range_padding_units is set to "absolute", the start and end of the range span are extended by the amount range_padding.


property type: Enum ( PaddingUnits )

Whether the range_padding should be interpreted as a percentage, or as an absolute quantity. (default: "percent")


property type: Float

The start of the range, in synthetic coordinates.

Synthetic coordinates are only computed in the browser, based on the factors and various padding properties. The value of end will only be available in situations where bidirectional communication is available (e.g. server, notebook).

property type: Float

How much padding to add in between mid-level groups of factors. This property only applies when the overall factors have three levels. For example with:

    ['foo', 'A', '1'],  ['foo', 'A', '2'], ['foo', 'A', '3'],
    ['foo', 'B', '2'],
    ['bar', 'A', '1'],  ['bar', 'A', '2']

This property dictates how much padding to add between the three factors in the [‘foo’, ‘A’] group, and between the two factors in the the [bar]

JSON Prototype
  "bounds": null,
  "callback": null,
  "factor_padding": 0.0,
  "factors": [],
  "group_padding": 1.4,
  "id": "31634",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "max_interval": null,
  "min_interval": null,
  "name": null,
  "range_padding": 0,
  "range_padding_units": "percent",
  "subgroup_padding": 0.8,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class Range(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.model.Model

A base class for all range types.


This is an abstract base class used to help organize the hierarchy of Bokeh model types. It is not useful to instantiate on its own.


property type: Instance ( Callback )

A callback to run in the browser whenever the range is updated.

JSON Prototype
  "callback": null,
  "id": "31646",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "name": null,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []
class Range1d(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: bokeh.models.ranges.Range

A fixed, closed range [start, end] in a continuous scalar dimension.

In addition to supplying start and end keyword arguments to the Range1d initializer, you can also instantiate with the convenience syntax:

Range(0, 10) # equivalent to Range(start=0, end=10)

property type: MinMaxBounds

The bounds that the range is allowed to go to. Typically used to prevent the user from panning/zooming/etc away from the data.

If set to 'auto', the bounds will be computed to the start and end of the Range.

Bounds are provided as a tuple of (min, max) so regardless of whether your range is increasing or decreasing, the first item should be the minimum value of the range and the second item should be the maximum. Setting min > max will result in a ValueError.

By default, bounds are None and your plot to pan/zoom as far as you want. If you only want to constrain one end of the plot, you can set min or max to None.


Range1d(0, 1, bounds='auto')  # Auto-bounded to 0 and 1 (Default behavior)
Range1d(start=0, end=1, bounds=(0, None))  # Maximum is unbounded, minimum bounded to 0

property type: Either ( Float , Datetime , TimeDelta )

The end of the range.


property type: Either ( Float , TimeDelta )

The level that the range is allowed to zoom out, expressed as the maximum visible interval. Can be a TimeDelta. Note that bounds can impose an implicit constraint on the maximum interval as well.


property type: Either ( Float , TimeDelta )

The level that the range is allowed to zoom in, expressed as the minimum visible interval. If set to None (default), the minimum interval is not bound. Can be a TimeDelta.


property type: Either ( Float , Datetime , TimeDelta )

The end of the range to apply when resetting. If set to None defaults to the end value during initialization.


property type: Either ( Float , Datetime , TimeDelta )

The start of the range to apply after reset. If set to None defaults to the start value during initialization.


property type: Either ( Float , Datetime , TimeDelta )

The start of the range.

JSON Prototype
  "bounds": null,
  "callback": null,
  "end": 1,
  "id": "31648",
  "js_event_callbacks": {},
  "js_property_callbacks": {},
  "max_interval": null,
  "min_interval": null,
  "name": null,
  "reset_end": null,
  "reset_start": null,
  "start": 0,
  "subscribed_events": [],
  "tags": []