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bokeh.models.markers — Bokeh 1.0.2 documentation


Display a variety of simple scatter marker shapes whose attributes can be associated with data columns from ColumnDataSources.

The full list of markers built into Bokeh is given below:

Markers are all subclasses of Glyph. Additionally, they all share the same common interface providing fill and line properties provided by their base class Marker. Note that a few glyphs, Cross and X, only draw lines. For these the fill property values are ignored. Also note that the Circle glyph has some additional properties such as radius that other markers do not.

class Marker(**kwargs)[source]

Base class for glyphs that are simple markers with line and fill properties, located at an (x, y) location with a specified size.


For simplicity, all markers have both line and fill properties declared, however some markers (Asterisk, Cross, X) only draw lines. For these markers, the fill values are simply ignored.


This is an abstract base class used to help organize the hierarchy of Bokeh model types. It is not useful to instantiate on its own.


property type: AngleSpec

The angles to rotate the markers.


property type: NumberSpec

The fill alpha values for the markers.


property type: ColorSpec

The fill color values for the markers.


property type: NumberSpec

The line alpha values for the markers.


property type: Enum ( LineCap )

The line cap values for the markers.


property type: ColorSpec

The line color values for the markers.


property type: DashPattern

The line dash values for the markers.


property type: Int

The line dash offset values for the markers.


property type: Enum ( LineJoin )

The line join values for the markers.


property type: NumberSpec

The line width values for the markers.


property type: ScreenDistanceSpec

The size (diameter) values for the markers in screen space units.


property type: NumberSpec

The x-axis coordinates for the center of the markers.


property type: NumberSpec

The y-axis coordinates for the center of the markers.