0.8.0 (Feb 2015)
This release includes many major new features:
- New and updated language bindings: R, JavaScript, Julia, Scala, and Lua now available
- Better bokeh-server experience:
- live gallery for server apps and examples!
- new “publish” mode Bokeh plots and apps
- docs and advice for real-world deployments
- Simpler and more easily extensible charts architecture, with new Horizon chart
- Dramatic build and documentation improvements:
- 100% complete reference guide
- full docs and BokehJS version deployed for every “dev” build and RC
- sphinx extensions for easy inline plots
- Shaded grid bands, configurable hover tool, and pan/zoom for categorical plots
- Improved and more robust crossfilter
- AjaxDataSource for clients to stream data without a Bokeh server
In addition, many bugfixes and small features, both old and new — over 100
issues — were closed for this release! Additionally several new contributors
helped out in a big way. Special thanks to Sarah Bird, Mathieu Drapeau,
Samantha Hughes, and Nick Roth.