
Models (mostly base classes) for the various kinds of renderer types that Bokeh supports.

class GlyphRenderer(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.renderers.Renderer


property type: Instance(DataSource)

Local data source to use when rendering glyphs on the plot.


property type: Instance(Glyph)

The glyph to render, in conjunction with the supplied data source and ranges.


property type: Enum(‘image’, ‘underlay’, ‘glyph’, ‘annotation’, ‘overlay’, ‘tool’)

Specifies the level in which to render the glyph.


property type: Instance(Glyph)

An optional glyph used for explicitly non-selected points (i.e., non-selected when there are other points that are selected, but not when no points at all are selected.)


property type: Instance(Glyph)

An optional glyph used for selected points.


property type: Enum(‘screen’, ‘data’)


property type: String

A particular (named) x-range to use for computing screen locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the default x-range.


property type: String

A particular (named) y-range to use for computing screen locations when rendering glyphs on the plot. If unset, use the default -range.

    "attributes": {
      "data_source": null,
      "doc": null,
      "glyph": null,
      "id": "91eaeaa2-6dc7-4aa2-b591-0747af3088a8",
      "level": "glyph",
      "name": null,
      "nonselection_glyph": null,
      "selection_glyph": null,
      "tags": [],
      "units": "screen",
      "x_range_name": "default",
      "y_range_name": "default"
    "id": "91eaeaa2-6dc7-4aa2-b591-0747af3088a8",
    "type": "GlyphRenderer"
class GuideRenderer(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.models.renderers.Renderer

A base class for all guide renderer types. GuideRenderer is not generally useful to instantiate on its own.


property type: Instance(Plot)

The plot to which this guide renderer is attached.

    "attributes": {
      "doc": null,
      "id": "f46e79eb-dae4-40d9-a33a-7d1043d8e714",
      "name": null,
      "plot": null,
      "tags": []
    "id": "f46e79eb-dae4-40d9-a33a-7d1043d8e714",
    "type": "GuideRenderer"
class Renderer(**kwargs)

Bases: bokeh.plot_object.PlotObject

A base class for renderer types. Renderer is not generally useful to instantiate on its own.

    "attributes": {
      "doc": null,
      "id": "18143da2-be32-46af-90d5-3d6d67ecac28",
      "name": null,
      "tags": []
    "id": "18143da2-be32-46af-90d5-3d6d67ecac28",
    "type": "Renderer"