0.10.0 Goals (Summer 2015)
- Colorbar, subplots on single canvas
- Annotation improvements
- Bokeh Server Deployment automation and instructions
- Headless output of static SVG, PNG, etc
- Better support for maps and projections
- Bokeh command line tool
- CSS styling and React integration
Long-term TODO List
Core Plotting
- WebGL rendering
- BokehJS interface
- Backbuffering
- CSS styling/theming mechanism
- New layout capabilities
- multiple axes
- colorbar axes
- plot (e.g., histogram axes)
- better grid plots
- improved annotations and legends
- Line and patch point hit testing
- Python -> JS function reflection
- animation
- computed columns (e.g., jitter, colormapping, offsets)
- Better map projections
- Animation framework
- Improve rendering loop performance in BokehJS
- improved ticking & tick formatting
- abbreviated ticking: 10:00 :05 :10 etc.
- lat/long axes
- explicit ticking
- Annotations
- arrows
- axis hover tooltips
- data tooltips
- Graphs/trees
- GIS integrations
- Map projections
- Better save capability
- Offscreen render using Node.js
- Abstract Rendering server
- Publishing support for bokeh-server
- LaTeX support
- More efficient binary data transfers to BokehJS
- Check compatibility with mobile browsers
- Streaming data sources
- Public cloud service
Docs & Testing
- tests:
- Unit tests,
- image comparisons
- regression tests
- selenium UI test
- better docs/interactive gallery
- demo improvements
- code simplification
- option for static page generation
- more demos