In order to help automate and simplify the generation of Bokeh documentation, several Sphinx extensions have been created. Most of these will not be of general interest, except for bokeh.sphinxext.bokeh_plot, which allows anyone to include and embed bokeh plots directly in their own Sphinx docs.
Integrate Bokeh extensions into Sphinx autodoc.
Ensures that autodoc directives such as autoclass
use Bokeh-specific directives (e.g., bokeh-prop
and bokeh-model
when appropriate.
Generate a gallery of Bokeh plots from a configuration file.
Simplify linking to Bokeh Github resources.
This module proved four new roles that can be uses to easily link to various resources in the Bokeh Github repository:
: link to a specific commit
: link to an issue
: link to a milestone page
: link to a pull request
The following code:
The repo history shows that :bokeh-commit:`bf19bcb` was made in
in :bokeh-pull:`1698`,which closed :bokeh-issue:`1694` as part of
yields the output:
The repo history shows that commit bf19bcb was made in in pull request 1698,which closed issue 1694 as part of milestone 0.8.
Thoroughly document Bokeh model classes.
The bokeh-model
directive will automatically document
all the attributes (including Bokeh properties) of a Bokeh
model class. A JSON prototype showing all the possible
JSON fields will also be generated.
This directive takes the path to a Bokeh model class as an argument:
.. bokeh-model:: bokeh.sphinxext.sample.Foo
For the following definition of bokeh.sphinxext.sample.Foo
class Foo(PlotObject):
''' This is a Foo model. '''
index = Either(Auto, Enum('abc', 'def', 'xzy'), help="doc for index")
value = Tuple(Float, Float, help="doc for value")
the above usage yields the output:
- class
This is a Foo model.
[ { "attributes": { "doc": null, "id": "36c1cd9d-d44b-4764-a282-1ff7cbc05b84", "index": "auto", "name": null, "tags": [], "value": null }, "id": "36c1cd9d-d44b-4764-a282-1ff7cbc05b84", "type": "Foo" } ]
Generate color representations of all known Bokeh palettes.
This directive takes no arguments.
Include Bokeh plots in Sphinx HTML documentation.
For other output types, the placeholder text [graph]
be generated.
The bokeh-plot
directive can be used by either supplying:
A path to a source file as the argument to the directive:
.. bokeh-plot:: path/to/
Inline code as the content of the directive:
.. bokeh-plot::
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [6, 7, 6, 4, 5]
p = figure(title="example", plot_width=300, plot_height=300)
p.line(x, y, line_width=2), y, size=10, fill_color="white")
This directive also works in conjunction with Sphinx autodoc, when used in docstrings.
The bokeh-plot
directive accepts the following options:
The inline example code above produces the following output:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, output_file, show
x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
y = [6, 7, 6, 4, 5]
p = figure(title="example", plot_width=300, plot_height=300)
p.line(x, y, line_width=2), y, size=10, fill_color="white")
Thoroughly document Bokeh property attributes.
The bokeh-prop
directive generates useful type information
for the property attribute, including cross links to the relevant
property types. Additionally, any per-attribute docstrings are
also displayed.
This directive takes the path to an attribute on a Bokeh model class as an argument:
.. bokeh-prop:: bokeh.sphinxext.sample.Bar.thing
For the following definition of bokeh.sphinxext.sample.Bar
class Bar(PlotObject):
''' This is a Bar model. '''
thing = List(Int, help="doc for thing")
the above usage yields the output:
Display code blocks in collapsible sections when outputting to HTML.
This directive takes a heading to use for the collapsible code block:
.. collapsible-code-block:: python
:heading: Some Code
from __future__ import print_function
print("Hello, Bokeh!")
This directive is identical to the standard code-block
that Sphinx supplies, with the addition of one new option:
The inline example code above produces the following output:
from __future__ import print_function
print("Hello, Bokeh!")