
Provide a Bokeh Application Handler to build up documents by compiling and executing Python source code.

This Handler is used by the Bokeh server command line tool to build applications that run off scripts and notebooks.

def make_doc(doc: Document):
    # do work to modify the document, add plots, widgets, etc.
    return doc

app = Application(FunctionHandler(make_doc))

server = Server({'/bkapp': app}, io_loop=IOLoop.current())
class CodeHandler(*, source: str, filename: str | PathLike[str], argv: list[str] = [], package: ModuleType | None = None)[source]#

Run source code which modifies a Document

__init__(*, source: str, filename: str | PathLike[str], argv: list[str] = [], package: ModuleType | None = None) None[source]#
  • source (str) – python source code

  • filename (str) – a filename to use in any debugging or error output

  • argv (list[str], optional) – a list of string arguments to make available as sys.argv when the code executes

modify_document(doc: Document) None[source]#

Run Bokeh application code to update a Document


doc (Document) – a Document to update

url_path() str | None[source]#

The last path component for the basename of the configured filename.

property error: str | None#

If the handler fails, may contain a related error message.

property error_detail: str | None#

If the handler fails, may contain a traceback or other details.

property failed: bool#

True if the handler failed to modify the doc

property safe_to_fork: bool#

Whether it is still safe for the Bokeh server to fork new workers.

False if the code has already been executed.