

This section documents the physical filesystem module that implements Document. However the intended public interface is in bokeh.document.

Provide the Document class, which is a container for Bokeh Models to be reflected to the client side BokehJS library.

As a concrete example, consider a column layout with Slider and Select widgets, and a plot with some tools, an axis and grid, and a glyph renderer for circles. A simplified representation of this document might look like the figure below:


A Bokeh Document is a collection of Bokeh Models (e.g. plots, tools, glyphs, etc.) that can be serialized as a single collection.#

class Document(*, theme: ~bokeh.themes.theme.Theme = <bokeh.themes.theme.Theme object>, title: str = 'Bokeh Application')[source]

The basic unit of serialization for Bokeh.

Document instances collect Bokeh models (e.g. plots, layouts, widgets, etc.) so that they may be reflected into the BokehJS client runtime. Because models may refer to other models (e.g., a plot has a list of renderers), it is not generally useful or meaningful to convert individual models to JSON. Accordingly, the Document is thus the smallest unit of serialization for Bokeh.

add_next_tick_callback(callback: Callback) NextTickCallback[source]

Add callback to be invoked once on the next tick of the event loop.


callback (callable) – A callback function to execute on the next tick.


can be used with remove_next_tick_callback

Return type:



Next tick callbacks only work within the context of a Bokeh server session. This function will no effect when Bokeh outputs to standalone HTML or Jupyter notebook cells.

add_periodic_callback(callback: Callback, period_milliseconds: int) PeriodicCallback[source]

Add a callback to be invoked on a session periodically.

  • callback (callable) – A callback function to execute periodically

  • period_milliseconds (int) – Number of milliseconds between each callback execution.


can be used with remove_periodic_callback

Return type:



Periodic callbacks only work within the context of a Bokeh server session. This function will no effect when Bokeh outputs to standalone HTML or Jupyter notebook cells.

add_root(model: Model, setter: Setter | None = None) None[source]

Add a model as a root of this Document.

Any changes to this model (including to other models referred to by it) will trigger on_change callbacks registered on this document.

  • model (Model) – The model to add as a root of this document.

  • setter (ClientSession or ServerSession or None, optional) –

    This is used to prevent “boomerang” updates to Bokeh apps. (default: None)

    In the context of a Bokeh server application, incoming updates to properties will be annotated with the session that is doing the updating. This value is propagated through any subsequent change notifications that the update triggers. The session can compare the event setter to itself, and suppress any updates that originate from itself.

add_timeout_callback(callback: Callback, timeout_milliseconds: int) TimeoutCallback[source]

Add callback to be invoked once, after a specified timeout passes.

  • callback (callable) – A callback function to execute after timeout

  • timeout_milliseconds (int) – Number of milliseconds before callback execution.


can be used with remove_timeout_callback

Return type:



Timeout callbacks only work within the context of a Bokeh server session. This function will no effect when Bokeh outputs to standalone HTML or Jupyter notebook cells.

apply_json_patch(patch_json: PatchJson | Serialized[PatchJson], *, setter: Setter | None = None) None[source]

Apply a JSON patch object and process any resulting events.

  • patch (JSON-data) – The JSON-object containing the patch to apply.

  • setter (ClientSession or ServerSession or None, optional) –

    This is used to prevent “boomerang” updates to Bokeh apps. (default: None)

    In the context of a Bokeh server application, incoming updates to properties will be annotated with the session that is doing the updating. This value is propagated through any subsequent change notifications that the update triggers. The session can compare the event setter to itself, and suppress any updates that originate from itself.



clear() None[source]

Remove all content from the document but do not reset title.



classmethod from_json(doc_json: DocJson | Serialized[DocJson]) Document[source]

Load a document from JSON.

doc_json (JSON-data) :

A JSON-encoded document to create a new Document from.

Return type:


classmethod from_json_string(json: str) Document[source]

Load a document from JSON.

json (str) :

A string with a JSON-encoded document to create a new Document from.

Return type:


get_model_by_id(model_id: ID) Model | None[source]

Find the model for the given ID in this document, or None if it is not found.


model_id (str) – The ID of the model to search for


Model or None

get_model_by_name(name: str) Model | None[source]

Find the model for the given name in this document, or None if it is not found.


name (str) – The name of the model to search for


Model or None

hold(policy: Literal['combine', 'collect'] = 'combine') None[source]

Activate a document hold.

While a hold is active, no model changes will be applied, or trigger callbacks. Once unhold is called, the events collected during the hold will be applied according to the hold policy.


hold ('combine' or 'collect', optional) –

Whether events collected during a hold should attempt to be combined (default: ‘combine’)

When set to 'collect' all events will be collected and replayed in order as-is when unhold is called.

When set to 'combine' Bokeh will attempt to combine compatible events together. Typically, different events that change the same property on the same mode can be combined. For example, if the following sequence occurs:

slider.value = 10
slider.value = 11
slider.value = 12

Then only one callback, for the last slider.value = 12 will be triggered.




hold only applies to document change events, i.e. setting properties on models. It does not apply to events such as ButtonClick, etc.

js_on_event(event: str | type[Event], *callbacks: Callback) None[source]

Provide JS callbacks to invoke if a bokeh event is received.

on_change(*callbacks: DocumentChangeCallback) None[source]

Provide callbacks to invoke if the document or any Model reachable from its roots changes.

on_change_dispatch_to(receiver: Any) None[source]
on_event(event: str | type[Event], *callbacks: Callable[[Event], None]) None[source]

Provide callbacks to invoke if a bokeh event is received.

on_message(msg_type: str, *callbacks: Callable[[Any], None]) None[source]
on_session_destroyed(*callbacks: SessionDestroyedCallback) None[source]

Provide callbacks to invoke when the session serving the Document is destroyed

remove_next_tick_callback(callback_obj: NextTickCallback) None[source]

Remove a callback added earlier with add_next_tick_callback.


callback_obj – a value returned from add_next_tick_callback




ValueError, if the callback was never added or has already been run or removed

remove_on_change(*callbacks: Any) None[source]

Remove a callback added earlier with on_change.


KeyError, if the callback was never added

remove_on_message(msg_type: str, callback: Callable[[Any], None]) None[source]
remove_periodic_callback(callback_obj: PeriodicCallback) None[source]

Remove a callback added earlier with add_periodic_callback


callback_obj – a value returned from add_periodic_callback




ValueError, if the callback was never added or has already been removed

remove_root(model: Model, setter: Setter | None = None) None[source]

Remove a model as root model from this Document.

Changes to this model may still trigger on_change callbacks on this document, if the model is still referred to by other root models.

  • model (Model) – The model to add as a root of this document.

  • setter (ClientSession or ServerSession or None, optional) –

    This is used to prevent “boomerang” updates to Bokeh apps. (default: None)

    In the context of a Bokeh server application, incoming updates to properties will be annotated with the session that is doing the updating. This value is propagated through any subsequent change notifications that the update triggers. The session can compare the event setter to itself, and suppress any updates that originate from itself.

remove_timeout_callback(callback_obj: TimeoutCallback) None[source]

Remove a callback added earlier with add_timeout_callback.


callback_obj – a value returned from add_timeout_callback




ValueError, if the callback was never added or has already been run or removed

replace_with_json(json: DocJson) None[source]

Overwrite everything in this document with the JSON-encoded document.

json (JSON-data) :

A JSON-encoded document to overwrite this one.



select(selector: SelectorType) Iterable[Model][source]

Query this document for objects that match the given selector.


selector (JSON-like query dictionary) – you can query by type or by name, e.g. {"type": HoverTool}, {"name": "mycircle"}



select_one(selector: SelectorType) Model | None[source]

Query this document for objects that match the given selector. Raises an error if more than one object is found. Returns single matching object, or None if nothing is found


selector (JSON-like query dictionary) – you can query by type or by name, e.g. {"type": HoverTool}, {"name": "mycircle"}


Model or None

set_select(selector: SelectorType | type[Model], updates: dict[str, Any]) None[source]

Update objects that match a given selector with the specified attribute/value updates.


selector (JSON-like query dictionary) – you can query by type or by name,i e.g. {"type": HoverTool}, {"name": "mycircle"} updates (dict) :



set_title(title: str, setter: Setter | None = None) None[source]
to_json(*, deferred: bool = True) DocJson[source]

Convert this document to a JSON-serializble object.



unhold() None[source]

Turn off any active document hold and apply any collected events.



validate() None[source]

Perform integrity checks on the modes in this document.



property roots: list[Model]

A list of all the root models in this Document.

property session_callbacks: list[SessionCallback]

A list of all the session callbacks for this document.

property session_context: SessionContext | None

The SessionContext for this document.

property session_destroyed_callbacks: set[SessionDestroyedCallback]

A list of all the on_session_destroyed callbacks for this document.

property template: Template

A Jinja2 template to use for rendering this document.

property template_variables: dict[str, Any]

A dictionary of template variables to pass when rendering self.template.

property theme: Theme

The current Theme instance affecting models in this Document.

Setting this to None sets the default theme. (i.e this property never returns None.)

Changing theme may trigger model change events on the models in the document if the theme modifies any model properties.

property title: str

A title for this document.

This title will be set on standalone HTML documents, but not e.g. when autoload_server is used.