
contour_data(x: ArrayLike | None = None, y: ArrayLike | None = None, z: ArrayLike | | None = None, levels: ArrayLike | None = None, *, want_fill: bool = True, want_line: bool = True) ContourData[source]#

Return the contour data of filled and/or line contours that can be passed to bokeh.models.ContourRenderer.set_data()

from_contour(x: ArrayLike | None = None, y: ArrayLike | None = None, z: ArrayLike | | None = None, levels: ArrayLike | None = None, **visuals) ContourRenderer[source]#

Creates a bokeh.models.ContourRenderer containing filled polygons and/or contour lines.

Usually it is preferable to call contour() instead of this function.

Filled contour polygons are calculated if fill_color is set, contour lines if line_color is set.

  • x (array-like[float] of shape (ny, nx) or (nx,), optional) – The x-coordinates of the z values. May be 2D with the same shape as z.shape, or 1D with length nx = z.shape[1]. If not specified are assumed to be np.arange(nx). Must be ordered monotonically.

  • y (array-like[float] of shape (ny, nx) or (ny,), optional) – The y-coordinates of the z values. May be 2D with the same shape as z.shape, or 1D with length ny = z.shape[0]. If not specified are assumed to be np.arange(ny). Must be ordered monotonically.

  • z (array-like[float] of shape (ny, nx)) – A 2D NumPy array of gridded values to calculate the contours of. May be a masked array, and any invalid values (np.inf or np.nan) will also be masked out.

  • levels (array-like[float]) – The z-levels to calculate the contours at, must be increasing. Contour lines are calculated at each level and filled contours are calculated between each adjacent pair of levels so the number of sets of contour lines is len(levels) and the number of sets of filled contour polygons is len(levels)-1.

  • **visuals

    fill properties, hatch properties and line properties Fill and hatch properties are used for filled contours, line properties for line contours. If using vectorized properties then the correct number must be used, len(levels) for line properties and len(levels)-1 for fill and hatch properties.

    fill_color and line_color are more flexible in that they will accept longer sequences and interpolate them to the required number using linear_palette(), and also accept palette collections (dictionaries mapping from integer length to color sequence) such as bokeh.palettes.Cividis.