BokehJS is the in-browser client-side runtime library that users of Bokeh ultimately interact with. This library is written primarily in CoffeeScript and is one of the very unique things about the Bokeh plotting system.
When researching the wide field of JavaScript plotting libraries, we found that they were all architected and designed to integrate with other JavaScript. If they provided any server-side wrappers, those were always “second class” and primarily designed to generate a simple configuration for the front-end JS. Of the few JS plotting libraries that offered any level of interactivity, the interaction was not really configurable or customizable from outside the JS itself. Very few JS plotting libraries took large and streaming server-side data into account, and providing seamless access to those facilities from another language like Python was not a consideration.
This, in turn, has caused the developers of Python plotting libraries to only treat the browser as a “backend target” environment, for which they will generate static images or a bunch of JavaScript.
BokehJS is intended to be a standalone, first-class JavaScript plotting library and interaction runtime for dynamic, highly-customizable information visualization. Currently we use HTML5 Canvas, and in the future this may be extended to include WebGL. We are keeping a very close watch over high-performance JavaScript technologies, including web workers, asm.js, SIMD, and parallel JS (e.g. River Trail).
While it is possible in principle to construct plots using only BokehJS models directly, this would be somewhat tedious. Work is ongoing to create higher level integrations and interfaces for BokehJS.
BokehJS is a standalone JavaScript library for dynamic and interactive visualization in the browser. It is built on top of HTML5 canvas, and designed for high-performance rendering of larger data sets. Its interface is declarative, in the style of Protovis, but its implementation consists of a reactive scene graph (similar to Chaco. Some examples for different types of plots are show below in devguide_bokehjs_examples.
The full BokehJS interface is described detail in BokehJS Interface Reference
BokehJS ships with all of its vendor dependencies built in. For reference, the vendor libraries that BokehJS includes are:
These examples currently use an old, deprecated engineering JS interface that has since been remvoed. Work is ongoing to create a new interface and update these examples.
Several live examples that demonstrate the BokehJS interface are available on JSFiddle. Click on “CoffeeScript” to see the code that generates these plots, or on “Edit in JSFiddle” to fork and create your own examples.
This example shows a scatter plot where every circle has its own radius and color.
This example shows a 2D projection of the Lorenz attractor. Sections of the line are color-coded by time.
This example shows how it it possible to animate BokehJS plots by updating the data source.